
Showing posts from January, 2017

Building REST API web service using AKKA-HTTP, showing CRUD operations baked with Redis

Building REST API web service using AKKA-HTTP, showing CRUD operations baked with Redis AKKA-HTTP  is a lightweight layer that enable us to easily build our REST API over the akka actor system . In this article I will show step by step how to create simple web server with REST API Service and CRUD operations using  Rediscala  that will enable non-blocking and asynchronous I/O operations over Redis, sowing different options of completing the API response and serializing entities . And of course how to test our REST API. Full source code can be found  here Our web server will expose API for handling user passwords that will be kept in Redis (this is not a good practice to handle it like this in real life, and one might want to consider to add encryption etc’ in production). Our Rest API will expose the following functionality : Register new user Update user password Fetch user password Delete user So, let’s get our hands dirty ...