Scala Migration 2.9 to 2.10 part 1 - from ScalaQuery to Slick
So , as it happens to be, migrating from scala 2.9 to 2.10 (And Akka,ScalaQuery) is not straight forward as one might think ... for Akka upgrade I used this excellent document for migration 1.3.x to 2.0 and this on for migrating to 2.1 changing ScalaQuery to Slick is quite straight forward - changing the entities i.e ScalaQuery (two columns as pk) : case class Foo_entity ( foo_id_col: String , foo_name_col: Long ) object or_foo extends Table[Foo_entity]("foo") { def foo_id_col = column[String]("foo_id") def foo_name_col = column[Long]("foo_name") def pk = primaryKey("pk_foo",foo_id_col~foo_name_col) def * = foo_id_col ~ foo_name_col<>(Foo_entity,Foo_entity.unapply(_)) } in Slick turns to : case class Foo_entity ( foo_col: String , foo_name_col: Long ) class Foo(tag:Tag) extends Table[Foo_entity](tag,"foo") { def foo_c...